Chess Timer

mcu_icon circuit_icon

A multi-function chess timer for board games.

Design, scope, implementation

I designed a STM32F0 MCU based PCB with 7-segment displays and tactile buttons for control.

The design is briefly documented on reddit, where I asked for feedback/review of the schematic and PCB layout:

The software was written in C++ with FreeRTOS running on the MCU, squeezed into a STM32F030K6 (32kB flash, 4kB RAM).


The chess timer supports 1-X players and a few different timer modes:

  • Fischer and Bonus
  • Bronstein Delay
  • Simple Delay
  • Move Timer
  • Move Timer With Save
  • Time Counter

I have also added “counters” (up/down counters triggered by pressing the buttons) and a N-sided dice feature.

I ordered the PCBs from Elecrow and mounted all component myself.

I also designed (in the CAD program Fusion 360) and 3D-printed a simple chassis for the chess timer.

Video and pictures

Demonstrating the Fischer and Bonus mode:

Finished PCB, loupe inspection of the 0.8mm pitch MCU pins: pcb_loupe

First power on: pcb_hello

Schematics: pcb_schem

3D-model generated in KiCad: pcb_3d